Human Resource and its potentiality

Human Resources: The Key to Unlocking the World's Hidden Sources of Energy

The greatest minds in history have said that human resources are the greatest assets, whether they be those of an individual, a country, or the entire world. Only the human resources are a living creature; consequently, they are given the role of carrying out the great responsibility of leadership. All other components of any assets are inert. The sun, other stars, and plants are all amazing providers of energy and other material needs. So are the massive mountains, the raging oceans, the green and thick woods, the lush fields, the water resources, and the sun. But if human mind and understanding did not exert some influence over them, they would remain silent and inactive. In worldwide conferences and workshops, the theme "Energy is our concern" is discussed. Due to their excessive use, energy supplies like coal and petroleum, which have been there for countless generations, are being depleted. The current human structures have evolved over countless generations. The current human population is eager to discover and see this energy. What is the alternative, then? The elites are generating ideas from all across the world to choose options. We are given a formula by Dr. Einstein,

Human Resources

E=mc^2 (E indicates energy; c signifies velocity of light and m means mass of a body) (E means energy; c means velocity of light and m means mass of a body)

Before the scientific community came to understand this truth, matter and energy were thought of as essentially distinct substances. But this particular formula discusses how energy and matter can modify one another. If we assume that this idea can be put into practice, we can easily draw the conclusion that there will never be a period when we have an energy crisis. No matter what kind of atom it is, energy is always there and concealed within every one of them. Actually, there is no energy crisis; but, because the human brain has not been properly educated and trained to reveal the secret sources of energy, man will never again face the issue. Human resources can produce different techniques, and education produces human resources. As a result, education has an immense seriousness and generosity. Simply because he knows in his heart that education is the only solution to his poverty and ignorance, even the poorest guy with a half-full stomach wishes to send his children to schools, colleges, and universities.

Human resources therefore drive everything, and human resources drive education. When I think of and discuss human resources, I just think of Michel Faraday's life. The greatest discovery of Sir Humphrey Davy's life, he responded without hesitating when questioned by friends in a large gathering, "Faraday is the greatest discovery of my life." This claim highlights the special significance of human resources. Who knows how many Faradays, Shakespeares, Newtons, Laxmi Prasad Devkotas, Einsteins, Madame Curies, etc. are mowing the lawn or tending to their sheep in some far-off regions of the globe! The entire human race will suffer an irreparable loss as a result of this, as the missing person is not acting alone but rather represents the suffering of an entire nation. Therefore, regardless of whether it is a home, a society, a nation, or the entire human race, education must be given the highest priority in the holistic planning of growth. This tip is essential for every aspirant student in high school, college, and university. Students should act and think while maintaining this creational secret in their hearts and minds.

The educational policies, curricula, exam formats, and other implementation tactics must be planned in such a way that, when the country is turned on, a steady stream of geniuses should emerge. The true essence of progress is this. We might use the famous words of the American poet, "The people who live there are what make the locations great and lovely. It is not America, England, or France that are magnificent." Since contamination can affect any location or item of this banal creation, education is also susceptible to being harmed. Therefore, a real commitment and supervision must be arranged. The lesson that history teaches is the need for constant vigilance. Of course, no nation in the world has advanced without also evolving its people resources. If there is an inverted pyramid, the country will sink into a pit so deep and dark that rescue and escape will be next to impossible.

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