A will to be a Doctor

The topic of doctor, which we want to talk here, is not Ph. D, but medical doctor, of the graduate level at the beginning. MBBS, bachelor in medical science, is the benchmark from where the profession of a doctor ascends catching up higher and higher degrees. This branch of knowledge has become a famous discipline, because more than 20/25% students, boys, or girls wish to become doctors. In many cases, the wish has become a fashion wish. White gown with the stethoscope hanging over the neck captivates all the young boys and girls to become medical doctors. But it is not an easy thing to learn and master such a complicated body of knowledge.

So, the problem confronts is. The solution is a strong will, an ordinary wish transformed into strong and pure will. A strong will reinforced by constant practice and dedication can accomplish anything in this world, medical education is a meagre problem. Medical education is a discipline of knowledge, which talks and does care and cure of human body and mind. Right from the school-stage, a student should initiate this endeavor. First of my inborn aptitude. If this aptitude really inspires and motivates me to choose medical line, I must plan my future that way.

My vision and my action should be one- pointed " I am to become a doctor", not a hanky punky doctor, not even an ordinary doctor, but a solid doctor with all the qualities of a genuine doctor - a doctor with a wide range of knowledge as it were, I am a living encyclopedia, smart and knowledgeable in physiology and anatomy of human personality. Internet will help me a lot in this search of excellence. The daily operation of Internet on this subject can make me a doctor before I really become a doctor. So my aim and aspiration must be to become a doctor who is besides having a perfect medical knowledge is ethically sound, service- oriented, silent and tolerant. Since mere MBBS is not a big degree in medical science, my aspiration must catch up higher and higher degrees achieving excellences in the subject of my aptitude. There are hundreds of subjects where a medical doctor can achieve expertness. He can be a cardiologist, an urologist, a neurologist, a peadiatrist, a podiatrist, psychiatrist, pathologist, ophthalmologist, internist, dermatologist, gynecologist, obstetrician, orthodontist etc. But the benchmark is always MBBS and this benchmark must be on solid ground, where a grand mansion of medical world can be erected.

Let a high school student first try to become a good student ascending higher and higher. Let him achieve merits in matriculation and intermediate levels, getting maximum marks, more than distinction in science and mathematics and also in other subjects so that in an aggregate numbers he comes student, and if he has a strong will to become a doctor, there is no force here or hereafter, which can stop him from being a doctor. But the qualification of a doctor should not inject in him any kind of non-senses ego. He should be action- oriented, service- oriented and knowledge -oriented. A simple living and high thinking can make an intellectual world a great world and medical doctors also belong to this world.

Medical science is also a world of technology, which springs up from pure science. It is also called applied science. A science student, who is good in science and math, is eligible to get an access into this world of technology. His interest and knowledge in biological and chemical sciences must be predominating; other sciences like physics, geology, and astronomy must be there just to help him for his versatile knowledge. A doctor must take a special help of computer- science in order to achieve excellences in his profession. The greatest thing in this universe is human resources. The savior of these resources is medical science. Ask a multi- billionaire, who is in his death-bed “what do you want?" His only one cry is "Doctor, take my all money but save me". This is what a doctor is, a great person who knows how to inject life to a dying man. But such a medical doctor, not a political doctor, neither a commercial doctor. If such a concept catches hold of a society, and nation, all the so-called doctors will have an automatic escape. Then, the residue will be the flux of genuine doctors, ready to do and die for humanity. This is the ideal of a doctor and a good student, who aspires to become a doctor must cherish this ideal, transforms himself into the will of this category and motive. This residue of doctors will definitely appear as a small flux but this small will be of quality, a priceless quality, capable to accomplish a great job, which hundreds of so-called doctors cannot do.



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