Life, An Engima

Whether we understand or not about the fundamental essence of life, but we know this that entire creation whirls on around this enigma people avoid to penetrate into the meaning of life, rather they prefer to manage it, and manage nicely. Management is a good thing, but management in ignorance is not desirable at all. So, it becomes imperative to try to know something about life, though the complete transparency of this knowledge is almost impossible.

A Persian poet says, " Life is an old manuscript of which the first and the last chapters are lost; we don't know where form we come and whither we go." What we know is the mid-span of life, and from this area itself, we have to get some glimpse about its mystery. Ages and anons have passed away in the acknowledgement of this enigma. scientists are baffled; and philosophers move a bit but get loss on the way itself. The yogis who are called the spiritual scientists have understood it to a great extent but not completely. Most probably, the key of this enigma lies with God Himself, and He slowly unlocks this mystery to the genuine aspirants. In a literary concept an English poet expresses " Life I don't know who thou art not but know thou and I must part" Maharsi Aurobindo talks of life like this; "Life is an evolutionary process of an involved consciousness slowly expressing itself through the varied experiences of logical opposites." Swami Vivekananda says " all expansion is life, and all contraction is death."

A paradoxical phenomenon is life and so it is full of contradictions. Sometimes, it looks as an episode of illusion, and sometimes a divine drama of an admixture of truth and untruth, wisdom and folly, beauty and ugliness, pains and pleasures. The best analogy establishes life as a unique drama, where disparities and differences dominate on the surface, whereas the essence of unity and harmony lies at the center  Thus, life is with us an eternal episode, seeking some sort of solution. But the riddle ever remains unsolved, ever new and ever old.

There are mainly two philosophers, trying to interpret the phenomenon of life, one is the spiritual perspective, and the other is absolutely material purview. The material philosophers, even some scientists advocate the emergence of life as an accidental collocation of atoms. They believe that consciousness is not the original cause of life; it is actually the derivative of matter and mind when actions and interaction of atoms take place in a chain style. But the spiritual theory of creation is different. The spiritualists advocate that te original stuff of life is consciousness, out of which the mental and material creation are ensued. Consciousness is an all-pervading entity, but has a mechanism of manifestation. It manifest in all dimensions, the material dimension being the last. The supreme and the ultimate truth is identified as God, who is actually non-directive and indeterminate; He exists with form and also without form. It is from Him, infinite sparks of divinity diffuse out, and these are identified as the individual souls. These souls are trapped in different kinds of manifestations through different moralities. Consciousness mixed with Pran (breath) gives us "life". Pran is a good conductor not only of our physical personality but also of our mind, intellect and ego. Pran starts its domain from the physical body, but beyond the mental, intellectual, and causal planes, it loses its gross from and becomes subtle breath (Sukshma Pran). Thus, a long philosophy exists in Hinduism to explain the mystery of life. A special discipline of knowledge has been evolved in Hinduism called "Yoga", and this discipline is like a unique microscope and telescope, capable of magnifying the subtlest things of creation into the biggest possible units, and also the remotest things are bought to the closest exposures. The encyclopedia of Hinduism gives a long list of Yogis, who were capable enough to penetrate into the mystery of life and death to a great extent.



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