Youths, Drugs and Sports

Youths, Drugs and Sports

The major problem in 21st century in the developed as well as developing countries is drug abuse. The youths are the major victims as well as cause of this problem. In order to get relief from tension, to show heroism, to attract others and to be fearless they use drugs. According to the research done by NARCONON Nepal, an organization that is actively providing awareness campaign against drugs found that more than 80% of the people are youths who have been indulged in this drug abuse. The term 'drug abuse' means the selling, and buying of drugs along with its use. The organizations as NARCONON are actively participating in our county to reduce the drug abuse and providing rehabilitation to the users by sharing their own experiences about the life when they used to take drugs. Such steps are to be encouraged by all.

Nowadays the major use of drugs is found in the sports. Recently, when I went through the web site of world wrestling for entertainment ( I found that wrestlers have been suspended for the policy of violation of use of drugs and steroids in wrestling. According to the spokesperson of WWE for the first violation there is a suspension for 30 days, for second 60 days and these wrestlers are to be tested for at least 4 times a year. But the names of suspended wrestlers have been kept a secret so that it may not hamper their career. Last August when the WWE officials met the New York Prosecutor it was found that pro wrestler Chris Beniot who hanged himself up, killing his family was a client of one of the drug agencies. The matter is still under consideration in the court where nine of them are under the prosecutors and last hearing is still not done.

Not only at wrestling but the players in football and other games are even found to have test positive. Some famous cricket stars as Shane Warne, Shoaib Akthar, and Asif are the recent examples. Shoaib and Asif were found to have positive tests before the champions' trophy which was a big blow to the Pakistani team. Similarly football players like Maradona, Ferdinand are not exception to this scandal. Even Nepali Athlete Rajendra Bhandari was accused of having drugs and his two gold medals were taken back.

So, in order to enrich the stamina and other facets the sports persons are also found to get involved in it. So, this drug have to be banned from our society so that nobody will indulged in them and ruin their life, leaving behind their bright future and a good career. 

So let's say 'No' to drugs.



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