Customer Service and Loan Activities of Nepal Bank Limited

1.1 World Banking History
The term bank Originated from Latin word “Bancus” which refers to bench on which the bankers would keep its money and his records. Some believes it has been origin from French word “Banqee” and Italian word “Banca” which means a bench for keeping, lending and exchanging of money or coins in the market place by money lender and money changer.

The first bank called “Bank of Venice” was established in Venice, Italy 1157 A.D. is supposed to be the most ancient bank. Following its establishment, a lot of banks in different parts of the world were established. After the evolution of “Bank of England” in 1694 A.D. there came a remarkable change in process of establishing the banking institution. It was established as a joint stock bank and later on it became first central bank in the world. The idea of commercial banks rapidly spread all over the world only after the foundation of bank.

Bank is a financial institution which is engaged in monetary transaction. It accepts deposit and grant loan to needy person against securities. So, banks are said to be “financial Supermarket”. It charges certain interest at some fixed interest rate per annul. Beside this, a bank also involves on a number of agency services like remitting and collection cash on behalf of its client opening bank drafts and LC activities and or writing shares of newly established companies. Banks are those institution, which are established under certain act to perform monetary and credit transactions

According to Crowther: “The bankers business is to take the debts of other people to offer his own in exchange and these create money”.
According to US Law: “Any institution offering deposits subject to withdrawal on demand and making loan of a commercial or a business nature is a bank”.

1.2 Banking history in Nepal
In the Nepalese context, banking sector is rather more slow evolution. In Nepalese history, a merchant namely “SANKHDHAR”, who alone paid all the debt of the people in the country at that time? This proves the existence of money lending function at that time. During the end of 14th century the term “TANKADHARI” i.e. moneylender were found in the course of development of borrowing. The “TEJARATH” office established in 19th century used to give loans to government employees. But the banking in Nepal has started in real sense with the establishment of Nepal Bank Ltd. in 1937. NRB was established as a fully government  owned commercial bank in 1966.Anyhow, Nepal Bank Limited is the first commercial bank of Nepal and was established in 1994 B.S. Then several legislation was made and other different types of banks were developed in the country. After declaring free economy and the privatization policy, Nepal Arab Bank (NABIL) was established in 1984 A.D. This the first modern bank with latest banking technology. Then lot commercial bank opened in the country.

1.3 Introduction to Nepal Bank Limited
Nepal Bank Limited, The first bank of Nepal was established in November 15, 1937 A.D (Kartik, 30, 1994). It was formed under the principle of Joint venture (Joint venture between government & general public). NBL's authorized capital was Rs. 10 million & issued capital Rs. 2.5 million of which paid-up capital was Rs. 842 thousand with 10 shareholders. The bank has been providing banking through its branch offices in the different geographical location.

Corporate Vision:
"Pioneer Bank with complete banking solution"

Mission Statement: NEW
Network for inclusion: Use bank's network to increase its reach all over the country from urban areas to rural areas and help in improving the lifestyle of rural population and in turn become the bank of choice of corporate, medium businesses and rural market.
Enhancing the value: To employees, shareholders, government and customers
World class banking services: Provide world class banking services by achieving excellence in customer service and adopting high level technology standards 

egmented business approach: For risk management and enhancement of efficiency
Partnership: With all stakeholders including the Government, employees, shareholders and customer
Innovation: Of business areas and processes for providing Advanced banking services, and enhance competitiveness
Responsiveness: responding to the changing need of the market/society/business on timely basis
Integrity: Uphold trustworthiness and business ethics in the business process
Total banking solutions: To cater the need of all sections of society

Nepal Bank Limited has the following objectives:
·         Focus on building the positive net worth and meeting minimum capital requirement over the coming five years.
·         Focus on increasing the customer base and market share.
·         Maximize the potential/efficiency of bank's staff.
·         Focus on minimizing the risk associated with the business.
·         Focus on providing the world class business solutions.
·         Focus on increasing the sustainable profit.

           Table No. 1: Shareholding Composition

Government of Nepal
General Public

                    Table No. 2: NBL Network Overview
Region wise branches
No of Branches
Kathmandu Region
Biratnagar Region
Birgunj Region
Pokhara Region
Nepalgunj Region
Total no of Branches*

                     Table No. 3: Permanent Staff

% of Female

Chief Executive Officer



General Manager

Deputy General Manager

Chief Manager
Senior Manager
Deputy Manager
Assistant Manager
Senior Assistant
Junior Assistant



Security Guard



                   Table No. 4: Contract - Based Staff

% of Female

Security Guard

Other (Contract)


1.4 SWOT Analysis for Nepal Bank Limited

1. Nepal Bank Limited has vast network system in the nation thus helping customer to transact through bank from place to place.
2.  Nepal Bank Limited is well known for providing highly personalized service like ATM, ebanking, credit card, safe deposit locker etc. It has also introduced a number of new product and services.
3. Human resources of Nepal Bank Limited are well trained and are dedicated toward its bank. It is providing high remuneration and other benefit to its staff.
4.Nepal Bank Limited is equipped with latest technology; computer does most of the banking services. Thus the services of the bank are prompt and accurate.


1.      The increase of the branches increases the operation cost, administration expenses, salary etc.
2.      The political instability is another weakness that the bank is suffering.
3.      Too much dependency in computer is not considered to be reliable.
4.      Staffs are unwilling to give even required information. They don’t want to     cooperate with the ones who are not its real customer.


1. Many people deposit their funds in this bank due to its skill in attracting people by adapting and attracting policies like interest rate, prompt services, ATM, credit card services etc.
2.Staff can perform their work more efficiently with the computers. The environment of the bank is sound which enhance its better performance. 
3.People get employment opportunities since it has the highest number of branches in the country.
4.The policies of NRB rules & regulation always give confidence to the banking sectors to uplift the economy of the nation.


1.       Competitors are increasing.
2.      The economic condition of the country is very poor.
3.      Excess government pressure may create irregular banking transaction, which leads to bad reputation of the bank.
4.      The bank should be discouraged to open account for the individuals or firm having bad name as well as illegal names which effects to society. It may be threat, which can ruin the bank.

Project Design and Study

2.1 Introduction to the study
Bachelor in Business Administration program aims to prepare knowledgeable, skillful, confident, and self-motivated professionals who will be able to perform competitively in the organization of the modern age. Putting aside the traditional and conventional methods of teaching- learning, BBA aims at producing bachelor level graduates of international standards in management education with applied and pragmatic philosophies of acquiring knowledge. So, to acquire practical knowledge we were given to write a report by the university in any topic.
A project report is a record of any sort of project, whether it is a school project, business project, or research project.  Most commonly, project reports are written to record the beginning, middle and end of specific project events, such as business initiatives or school experiments. A project report can be written about almost any topic, in fields such as management, science, marketing, education, or engineering. However, to fulfill the standardized and formal requirements of teachers or executives, professional project reports must have certain characteristics; these will include specific sections of the project report, which are usually as follows:
       I.                    Introduction
    II.                   Table of contents
 III.                   Main Sections
 IV.                   Conclusions

Details are the heart of soul of any effective project report; dates, times, facts, and figures must be used to build credibility. Whether a project report is written about a new housing development, or an ad campaign's rollout, it should be based on quantifiable information that is easy to understand.  The best project reports will be written according to a formal template, and they will be completely honest reckonings of all of the good and bad things that transpired during the central event's timeline. From the Introduction to the Conclusion, the role of the project report is to provide a factual record of the event that may later be used to make decisions about planning similar events or initiatives in the future; this is one reason why a project report can be a valuable tool in the business world.
Selection of an organization for writing report is no doubt a critical job and requires much of effort from the side of student. With much analysis and understanding of opportunities given to student to learn and grow within reporting period I have chosen the oldest and most experienced bank which has been providing very good learning atmosphere for student i.e. Nepal Bank Limited- the pioneer bank of Nepal and the topic my study is "Customer service and loan activities of Nepal Bank Limited-A situation analysis"

2.2 Statement of problem
Being based on the background stated above, the present study has the following problem:
       I.            What is the present quality service level of NBL?
    II.            How is the bank carrying out its loan activities?

2.3 Objective of study
This study generally focuses on customer service activities and loan activities of Nepal Bank Limited. However the specific objectives of this study are as follows:
       I.            To analyze whether the bank is providing quality service or not.
    II.            To find out how the bank is carrying out its loan activities.
 III.    To build a theoretical knowledge on customer service, loan activities and also to obtain knowledge about the institution?

 2.4   Research Methodology
2.4.1 Research Design
As the nature of the data required for the study will be both nature i.e. qualitative as well as quantitative nature .So, the study has been designed both qualitatively as well as quantitatively.
Similarly as the objective of the study is to have theoretical knowledge on customer service and loan activities.  So mainly the study has been designed descriptically, non parametrically and somehow quantitatively.

2.4.2 Population and Sample
There are at present about 31 commercial banks in Nepal. As this study is case study centered on NBL. So, Nepal Bank Limited, Bazaar Adda is chosen for the study among 118 branches all around Nepal. And no any population and sample is used. And it is purely based on Nepal Bank Limited, Bazaar Adda Branch.

2.4.3 Sources of data
The data required for the study are both primary and secondary data. Primary data are obtained from primary sources and secondary data are obtained from secondary sources.
·     Primary data:-The data collected for the first time are said to be Primary data. Such data provide accurate information. These types of data are obtained from different departments of the bank.
o   Direct personal observations and questionnaire with the customer.
o   Informal meeting with Bank’s member of NBL Biratnagar, Bazaar adda Branch.
o   Informal interviews with the customer of Nepal Bank Limited.
·      Secondary Data:-The primary data for one person can be the secondary data for some others. So, data which are originally collected but obtained from either published sources or unpublished sources are secondary data. These data are obtained from books and internet.
o   Official websites of NBL and other different websites related to the topic.
o   Books, annual progress report, official publication online and offline, newspaper, brochures.

2.4.4 Data collection technique
The data collection technique used for the study is through field visits which mean visiting different department of the bank, through the use of internet, by studying brochures of bank, newspaper, annual report etc.

2.4.5 Data analysis tool
Analysis of the study is based on content and is analyzed descriptically and some how statistically by making tables.

2.5 Limitation of the study
The eight weeks period of research helped me to maximize my knowledge about the banking procedure with some practical aspects. However there had been some limitation as identified below:
1.      The time span for the study is short to conduct detailed study of organization.
2.      Core information and some vital data were not shared due to privacy issue.
3.      Huge amount of work load in the staff created obstacle for me to gain knowledge from other staff.
4.      The study may not depict overall banking performance.
5.      The reliability of data depends upon the information provided by concerned organization.
6.      Page limitation

                                            Data Analysis and Interpretation
3.1 Presentation of data
This chapter is the main volume of the field work report. This is a chapter under which collected data and information are presented and analyzed with the help of tables and figures.

3.2 Services provided by Nepal Bank Limited
This subsection describes the various services provided by Nepal Bank Limited, Bazaar adda branch. They can be mentioned as Customer services, loan activities and so on. They are elaborated into following paragraph:

3.2.1 Customer Services
A) Deposit Services
i) Current Account
Nepal Bank's current account saves you the hassle of carrying around cash every month. The account is non-interest bearing and it comes with a cheque-book - you just need to write a cheque whenever and wherever it's convenient

Statement of transaction
 A six monthly statement will be sent so that you can see your transaction movements. You can also request that the Bank provides you with a statement every day, every week, every 15 days or every month.
Your Account and Cheque book 
A current account can be opened with a minimum amount decided by the specific branch. Deposit at your home branch. Once your account is opened you will receive your cheque-book containing 10 personalized cheques. To replace your cheque book once you run out of cheques just present the replacement form at the back of your current cheque book at your home branch and we will arrange a new one for you.
Account Opening
Personal Account:
a.       Personal Identification (Citizenship Certificate and 2 Copies of Photograph)
b.      Nominee Declaration
·         Proprietorship Account:
a.       Declaration of sole proprietorship
b.      Copy of Registration Certificate
·         Partnership Account
a.       Letter of Partnership duly signed by all partners
b.      Copy of the Partnership Agreement
c.       Certified copy of Partnership Registration
·         Account of corporate bodies, copy of:
a.       Memorandum and Article of Association of the Company
b.      Resolution of Board of Directors to open and operate an account
c.       List of directors duly signed by respective directors with home address and phone numbers
d.      Certificate of commence of commencement of business
·         Accounts of clubs, societies and associates (all documents to be duly certified by the charity):
a.       List of Office Bearers
b.      Copy of by-laws
c.       Copy of Resolution to pen and operate the account
d.      Name and signature of persons authorized to operate the account
e.       Copy of the registration certificate

ii) Saving Account
With Nepal Bank's saving account your interest is calculated on daily balance and credited to your account quarterly. It is your passport to other Nepal Bank's products and services designed to manage your daily life easier and more convenient. Initial deposit depends upon nature of saving account. Any balance below minimum amount will be liable to incidental charges as fixed
by the bank from time to time.
Transaction account for thumb print account
When you open your account you will get a passbook to keep track of your savings and transactions. You have to update your passbook by our bank staff
at our branch.
Types of saving account
·         Karmachari Sahuliyat Saving Account:
a.       Can be operated on Zero Balance
b.      2% interest on daily balance
c.       Free Services like: ATM, ABB, SMS, Internet Banking
d.      Automatic conversion to Karmachari Nibritabharan (Employee Retirement) Account once the employee is retired from service.
e.       Account transfer facility if the employee is transfered to another location and no account closing charge.
·         Karmachari Nibritabharan (Employee Retirement) Saving Account:
a.       Requirement of Pension Passport to open account.
b.      Can be operated on Zero Balance.
c.       5% interest on daily balance.
d.      Cash or Transfere facility to pension amount.
e.       Free Services like: ATM, ABBS, SMS, and Internet Banking.
f.       Account transfer facility.
·         NBL Bishes Bachat Khata:
a.       Minimum balance is 50,000 only.
b.      5% interest on daily balance.
c.       Free Services like: ATM, ABBS, SMS, and Internet Banking.
·         Nepa Laxmi Bishes Bachat Khata:
a.       Minimum balance is 100,000 only.
b.      7% interest on daily balance.
c.       Free Services like: ATM, ABBS, SMS, and Internet Banking.
d.      Insurance facility up to 100,000.
Account Opening
Personal Account:
a.       Personal Identification (Citizenship Certificate and 2 Copies of Photograph)
b.      Nominee Declaration
·         Proprietorship Account:
a.       Declaration of sole proprietorship
b.      Copy of Registration Certificate
·         Partnership Account
a.       Letter of Partnership duly signed by all partners
b.      Copy of the Partnership Agreement
c.       Certified copy of Partnership Registration
iii) Fixed Account
·         Fixed Deposit can be opened with a minimum balance of NRs.
·         Payable upon maturity
·         Penal interest is levied on withdrawal of FD prior to maturity.
·         Interest is payable Quarterly.
·         Tax is deducted at source from the interest on saving deposit as per the Income Tax Act, 2058(2001).
·         Nomination facility is available.
·         Strict confidentiality is assured.
Tenure of FD
·         3 months
·         6 months
·         9 months
·         1 year
·         2 years
·         Above 2 years
Prevailing Interest Rate (Per Annum): 6 months
·         3 months
·         6 months
·         9 months
·         1 year
·         2 year
·         Above 2 year
·         Individuals.
·         Minors.
·         Trusts.
·         Associations.
·         Clubs.
·         Societies.
The copy of the following certified documents has to be submitted while opening 
Personal Account:
·         Identification Card in the form of Citizenship
·         Certificate/Passport/Other ID/PAN Card
Guardianship to be verified with related documents
Nominees form:
·         Photograph of the nominee
·         Signature of the nominee
Clubs/Societies and Association:
·         Copy of Registration Certificate
·         Copy of Bye-Laws
·         Copy of Resolution to Open and Operate the account
·         List of members
Corporate body:
·         Certificate of Incorporation
·         Memorandum and Article of Association of the Company
·         Resolution of Board of Directors to Open and Operate the account
·         Sample of Company Seal
·         Name of the Directors of the Board
Partnership Account:
·         Certificate of Partnership Registration
·         Copy of Partnership deed, if any
Proprietorship Account:
·         Registration Certificate
·         Identification of Proprietors

Other Services
A) NBL Web Remit
NBL Remit - an online/internet based Remittance Service for the purpose of facilitating to transfer the earnings of Nepalese and Nepalese Expatriates in foreign countries with the help of available NBL agents. Along with inward remittance from foreign countries, NBL-remit is powered by domestic money transfer facility through all of the bank's branches throughout the country with very minimal charge.
NBL Remit service is based on online data transfer system and it is instant enough, efficient and very much secure. For the authentication purpose, SECRET KEY is generated on the system, which is required by the customer while being paid. Remittance facility is available both for instant cash payment and credit to the beneficiary personal account. Now the account transfer facility can be availed within branches.NBL Remit Service is also operated by agents of Nepal Bank who exist in different locations of National and International Topography. At this time, NBL has started this service from Arabian and Parsian Gulf mainly from QATAR where NBL has an established drawing arrangement with two major exchange houses, which are:
·         Eastern Exchange Est. Doha, Qatar
·         Arabian Exchange Co. W.L.L.
To send money
·         Go to the nearest NBL remitting agent.
·         Ask for 'Send Request Form'
·         Fill the personal information and the beneficiary information as requested.
·         In case of account transfer please state the name of bank, its branch and the account number of beneficiary in the specified location. The account details must be accurate else the fund shall be pending.
·         Fill the amount for remittance.
·         If cash transfer you are provided the secrete key else not.
·         Convey the secrete key to the beneficiary securely and guide him/her to receive the remitted amount from specific branch/agent of NBl remit product.
To receive money?
·         In case of account transfer the beneficiary need not to contact the branch of NBL. As the remitted amount is deposited into the beneficiary account in the requested branch, the beneficiary can directly check the status of the amount by enquiring at the branch.
·         In case of cash transfer, the beneficiary has to visit the specified branch.
·         He/She has to ask for Receive Request Form.
·         He/She has to fill the information as required.
·         He/She has to fill the secrete key which has been conveyed by the remitter.
·         Give the filled form to the NBL agent.
·         The agent shall process the information and verify the transaction.
·         If the transaction is valid, the beneficiary shall be paid the remitted amount.

Contact Address
Table No. 5: Foreign Agents
Alfardan Exchange Co
P O Box 498
Abu Dabhi, UAE
Eastern Exchange Establishment
P O Box 454
Doha, Qatar
Arabian Exchange Co
P O BOX 3535
Doha, Qatar

B) NBL Remittance Products
Remittance Product of Nepal Bank Limited
The oldest, biggest and most trusted bank in Nepal, Nepal Bank Limited has largest network of branches in the country and very big network of correspondent and agency relationship all over the world. The business of remittance fund transfer into Nepal, from Nepal and within Nepal through this bank is most reliable, timely at the minimum of charges.
A) Inward Remittance (receiving of money in Nepal)
  1. SWIFT: Through this system the remitter anywhere in the world can remit or transfer the fund in Nepal very easily, securely and quickly. The remitter can transfer the money in Nepal through Nepal Bank Limited just by mentioning this bank's SWIFT identity, that is, NEBLNPKA and beneficiary details. The widest network of branches of this bank can take care of your need very efficiently and at the minimum of cost
  2. TT and Mail transfer: we have arrangement made with major banks in financial centers as well as with banks in neighboring counties to receive funds through tested telegraphically transferred funds. We also honor the mail transfer from major banks.
  3. Drafts: We have system of honoring drafts drawn on us by many banks denominated in major currencies such as USD, Euro, GBP.
  4. Remittance from Gulf Countries: We have maintained special relationship with banks, financial institution and exchange houses in Gulf countries where majority of Nepali workers are working so that their hard earned money can be received by family members in Nepal.
  5. Western Union Money Transfer Service: Due to the arrangement made by our bank with this fund transferring institution through Hulas Remittance, the beneficiary in Nepal can receive money very quickly and the beneficiary does not need any account to receive the fund.
  6. Remittance from India: We have arrangement made with many banks in India by which remitter in India can remit the fund through SWIFT, TT, Mail Transfer, Drafts etc.
All remittance into Nepal through Nepal Bank Limited is quick, dependable and cheap because the beneficiary anywhere in the Nepal can receive the money without needing services of other banks because Nepal Bank Ltd has largest network of branches in Nepal in important places.

B) Outward Remittance:
1.      SWIFT: Through this System we can cater the need of customer to remit the fund anywhere in the world, denominated in major currencies.
2.      Draft: We have draft drawing arrangement made with our correspondent banks in many countries of the world where Nepalese individual and institution need to transfer fund due to any reason.
3.      TT and Mail Transfer: Because of our international banking relationship we can handle the outward remittance business though this method.
4.      Remittance to India: We can cater the need of business community and individuals to transfer the fund denominated in Indian Rupee In India very efficiently and at the minimum of commission compared to any bank in the Nepal.

We offer you good remittance facilities to send money to Nepal for your loved ones. Depending on your location and the speed with which you want the money transferred you can take our service. You can do Telegraphic Transfer for remittance of money through our correspondent Banks.
Now, we offer you very fast and reliable money transfer facilities through SWIFT.

Table No.6: Essential details for SWIFT remittance to Nepal (from any country / bank)
Nepal Bank's SWIFT Code for remittance to Nepal
Account with Institutions:
Please give full detail of Bank, Branch and its complete postal address, where the beneficiary is maintaining account
Beneficiary Customer
Please give account number, name, address and phone / fax number (if available) of the beneficiary
C) Safe Deposit Vaults
"The Best Protection For your most Important Valuables"
Your valuables are safely stored in another location other than your home or business...the SAFEST PROTECTION from fire and theft. Nepal Bank Limited offer you safe deposit vault to store items that would cause you to say "if I lose this, I'm in deep trouble." This means important papers like insurance policies, family records such as birth certificates, deeds, titles, mortgages, leases, contracts, bonds, certificates of deposit.

Other items include jewels, medals, rare stamps and negatives for important photos in case of fire or theft.

Table No.7: Safe Deposit Vault Rates

Rent (Per Year)
115 m.m
150 m.m
517 m.m
148 m.m
184 m.m
517 m.m
115 m.m
330 m.m
517 m.m
178 m.m
238 m.m
517 m.m
145 m.m
401 m.m
517 m.m
266 m.m
330 m.m
517 m.m
178 m.m
506 m.m
517 m.m
314 m.m
401 m.m
517 m.m
394 m.m
506 m.m
517 m.m

Branches with Locker Facility
·         Kathmandu Banking Office
·         Biratnagar City Office
·         Kantipath Branch
·         Adarsha Nagar, Birgunj
·         Nepalgunj City Office
·         City Office Birgunj
·         City Office Pokhara
·         Prithivichowk Branch, Pokhara
·         Bhadrapur

 D) SMS Banking services
Nepal Bank Limited presents SMS (Short Message Service) Banking service to it's valuable Customers.
We are providing the service from our branches (selected). In SMS Banking service, you can get your Account information easily by sending SMS to 1994. NBL SMS banking service having the following feature
  1. Secure transaction with PIN code
  2. Instant Balance Information
  3. Last three transactions with current Balance
  4. PIN code changing facility
  5. Latest Exchange rate of Foreign currency
  6. Account Stop Facility
  7. Cheque Book print request
  8. Account statement print request
NBL SMS banking service also provides the extra services to it's valuable customer's such as New Product information of bank, Loan alert messages and cash withdrawal notification on customer's request. To get the SMS banking facility , please contact your nearest Branch of NBL for details. 
Nepal bank is proud to announce that all together 118 branches are enabled for ABB service. This service is free of charge to our valuable customer. In this banking service, our customer having account with NBL can access their account from any online NBL'S branch. However the service is provided in two ways: Normal ABB service and special ABB service.
Normal ABB Service allows our customer to deposit, withdraw and remit money from the branches which are online. Where as special ABB Service allows withdrawl facilityfor deposit in such accounts requires processing through remit.

Extra Features of NBL Normal ABBS
·         ABB service is available even in evening counter and extended banking. This facility enables the customers to withdraw and deposit in their account of closed branch from the branch having evening counter and extended banking facility.
·         ABB service is also available in government accounts.
·         Service is available around the country.
·         Limitless cash transfer
General Information
Now NBL is just a click away. Wherever you go, you can access your account in Nepal Bank Limited on your desktop. We are very happy to announce NBL Internet Banking with wide coverage of services in order to facilitate our valuable customers. Balance check, cheque stop, cheque issue, statement print etc our some of the facilities under this service.
Procedures to create NBL Internet Banking Account:
•           Download NBL Internet Form:
•           Fill up the form completely
•           Submit the form into your account holding NBL branch.
When we receive the form, your account will be created and Internet Banking User ID and Password will be mailed to the provided E-mail address with appropriate guidelines.

Nepal Bank has introduced its ever waited NBL Debit Card by joining the hands with Smart Choice Technologies (SCT), the first company in Nepal to provide networked ATMs.
NBL Debit Card of Nepal Bank allows its customers to access a vast network of ATMs located in various points in Kathmandu and other major cities within Nepal displaying the SCT logo on it.
NBL Debit Card is also accepted in INDIA via ATM's of Punjab National Bank.
The NBL Debit Card allows the cardholder to withdraw cash, inquire account balances and to pay for purchases through POS transactions.
NBL ATM outlets support cards from the banks associated with SCT as well as Visa and Master Cards.

Table No.8 Interest Rate
Deposits Annual Interest Rate
Deposit Type
Previous Rate
Saving Deposit (Normal Saving/Pension saving)
(interest calculated on daily closing balance)
NBL Diamond Saving

Women Special Saving

Yuva Bachat Khata

Senior Citizens Special Saving

Professional's Saving

NBL Special Saving @
Staff Saving / Staff Pension Saving
FCY Saving Deposit

Fixed Deposit
3 Month
6 Month
1 Year
2 year and above up to 5 year
FCY Fixed Deposit
Akschhaya Kosh

Other Institutions


NBL Trust Fund

Bulk Deposit (Fixed)

Rs 1 Crore and above for 1 year




Call Deposits

Normal Call Deposits

NBL Special Call Deposits (Condition Apply)

Minimum Bal Rs 25 lakhs


Minimum Bal Rs 1 crore


Minimum Bal Rs 5 crores


Minimum Bal Rs 10 crores


Minimum Bal Rs 15 crores


@ Minimum Balance Rs 40,000 Lending Rates
Lending Rates
Previous Rate
Gold and Silver Loan
Export Finance
Export Finance in Domestic Currency
6.50% to 7.75%
7.00% to 8.00%
Post Shipment & Pre-Shipment (in USD)
4.00% to 6.00%
5.00% to 7.00%
Trust Receipt
8.00% to 9.00%
8.50% to 9.50%
Term Loan
9.50% to 11.00%
10.00% to 11.50%
Housing Plan
11.00% to 12.00%
12.00% to 14.00%
Real State
Short Term Working Capital
9.75% to 11.00%
10.00% to 11.50%
9.75% to 11.00%
10.00% to 11.50%
Pledge Loan
9.75% to 11.00%
10.00% to 11.50%
9.00% to 10.00%
9.00% to 10.50%
Loan against govt. securities/Structured Demand
Coupon rate + 2 or 8.00 whichever is higher
9.00% to 10.00%
Deprived Sector Loan
7.00% to 8.00%
NBL Agriculture Loan
Loan against First Class Bank Guarantee
10.00% to 10.50%
Loan against FD Receipt of NBL
Coupon rate + 2
Coupon or + 2%
Hire Purchase Loan
10.00% to 11.00%
11.00% to 12.00%
Consumer Loan
9.50% - 10.50%
10.00% - 11.00%
NepaLaxmi Auto Loan
Home Loan
9.50% - 10.50%
10.00% - 11.00%
NepaLaxmi Home Loan
Personal Overdraft
12.00% - 12.50%
12.00% - 13.25%
Personal Term Loan
12.00% - 12.75%
12.25% - 13.00%
Education Loan
10.00% - 10.50%
10.00% - 11.00%
Margin Lending
10.50% - 11.50%
11.00% - 12.00%
3.2.2 Loan activities of Nepal Bank Limited
Consumer Loans
A) NBL Personal Loans 
·         Provided to fulfill the personal needs of an individual
·         Provided against the land and building
·         Personal Term Loan
·         Personal Overdraft Loan
·         Borrower must have regular and stable source of income
·         Borrower must be Nepalese citizen
·        The collateral must be accessible by at least eight feet wide road
·         Borrower must have experience of at least 3 years
·         Borrower must be 21 years of age and should not exceed 60 at the time of maturity of loan.
·         The retirement age must be more than the tenure of the loan.

Table No. 9: Parameters for personal loan
NBL Personal Term Loan
Loan amount
Minimum: Rs. 500,000 Maximum: Rs. 5,000,000
Loan portion
Up to 60% of value estimated by valuator acceptable to the bank
Minimum: 2 years Maximum: 15 years
First payment date
From the end of the subsequent month of initial drawn down.
Prepayment charge
No prepayment fee will be charged if paid after maturity of 1/3 of the loan period. 2% prepayment charge will be levied if prepayment is made within 1/3 of loan period.
NBL Personal Overdraft Loan
Loan amount
Minimum: Rs. 500,000 Maximum: Rs. 5,000,000
Loan portion
Up to 50% of value estimated by valuator acceptable to the bank
1 year; can be renewed subject to periodic review
Min. utilization limit
Rs. 500,000

Processing fee
1% of the financed amount at the time of submission of loan application. The fee shall be refunded if the loan is not approved.

Table No.10: Documents for personal loan
Self employed
Identification documents

2 Passport size photo of applicant and one passport size photo of guarantor
Photocopy of citizenship certificate of applicant and guarantor
Photocopy of Tax/PAN/VAT certificate and registration certificate
Not required
Proof of Income related documents

Original Salary Certificate not more than 10 days old
Not required
Photocopy of contract agreement between applicant and his/her employer
Photocopy of Rent Contract, if any
Original/photocopy of Bank Statement (Past 6 months)
Photocopy of audited/management prepared financial statements for past 3 years
Not required
Land and/or building related documents

Original letter stating coparcener  from local authority (Ward)
Original Blue Print of the land
Original copy of restraint letter  from Land Revenue Office
Original construction completion certificate from Municipality/VDC in case of purchasing already built house
Original/photocopy of detailed break down of cost estimation from the applicant’s consultant
Original land ownership certificate
Original latest land revenue receipt
Photocopy of blue print of building approved from Municipality/VDC
Photocopy of land Transfer Deed
Original four Boundary Disclosure  from ward office/municipality
Legal/Other documents

Debit authority note
Photocopy of Memorandum and Articles of Association/partnership deed
Not required
Credit information of borrowers and guarantors from CIC and branch
Cash deposit voucher of processing fee
Current account of the borrower
Credit Facility letter accepted by the borrower
Promissory Note
Original copy of loan deed
Insurance of the building
Original copy of mortgage deed

B) NBL Auto Loans
This loan is provided for: 
·         Purchase of new vehicles
·         Purchase of old / used vehicles (For Private use only)
The criterion for taking auto-loans is as follows.
·         The loan is provided to Nepalese Citizens only.
·         This loan shall be provided other than insider.
·         The loan is provided to any salaried and self-employed individuals and companies having regular and stable source of income.
·         The company / firm should be registered to the government authority.
·         All borrowers and guarantors should not be enlisted in “Black List” of NRB.
·         In case of individuals, the borrower must be at least 21years and should not exceed 60 years at the time of maturity. The retirement age must be more than the tenure of the loan.
·         3 years work experience is needed for salaried individuals.
·         The company / firm should be in operation since last three years.
·         The person taking loan for the company / firm is to be authorized by the company / firm as appropriate.
Table No.11: Parameters for Auto loan
Maximum Loan Amount
Rs. 25,00,000
Minimum Loan Amount
Rs. 2,00,000
Loan portion
Private (Personal Use)
Private (Business Use)
Private (Used)
Up to 80% of quotation price
Up to 80% of quotation price
Up to 70% of valuation price
Minimum 2 Years - Maximum 7 Years

Processing Fee:
1% of the financed amount shall be charged upfront at the time of submission of loan application with necessary documents. The fee shall be refunded if the loan is not approved.
Prepayment Fee:
2% prepayment charge on the prepaid amount if prepayment is made within 1/3 of loan period. However, no prepayment fee will be charged if paid after maturity of 1/3 of the loan period. 

Table No. 12: Documents for Auto loan
Documents required:
Y = Required; N = Not Required; O = Optional
Self Employed
2 Passport size photo of applicant
Photocopy of Citizenship Certificate/ Passport (Applicant & guarantor)
Photocopy of valid Driving License
Photocopy of Registration Certificate
Photocopy of Operating Approval
Photocopy of Tax/PAN/VAT certificate
Proof of Income
Original Salary Certificate not more than 10 days old
Photocopy of Contract agreement
Photocopy of Rent Contract
Original Bank Statement (Past 3 months)
Photocopy of Financial Statements (Past 3 years)
Original Quotation of vehicle and from the body builder if body needs to be built up. Fax copy of quotation mentioning applicant’s name received from dealer is also acceptable.
Photocopy of Land ownership certificate
Photocopy of Memorandum and Articles of Association
For used vehicles only
Original Invoice of Used car showroom / certified copy
Valuation report of vehicles from valuators

C) NBL Home Loans
This loan is provided for
·         Purchase a plot of Land/Building.
·         Construction, renovation, modification, extension of existing building,
The criterion for taking home-loans is as follows.
·         The loan is provided to any individuals who have regular and stable source of income. This loan can be given to any salaried and self-employed individuals.
·         The loan will be provided to Nepalese Citizens only.
·         Any house/land, which does not lie in municipal area, will not be financed. However, urban VDC can also be considered with proper justificantion.
·         The land and/or house to be constructed / purchased / renovated / extended / modified should have motorable road (8 feet wide in minimum) access. Such road should be clearly seen in the blue print or be verified by concerned authority (for e.g. ward office).
·         All borrowers and guarantor should not be enlisted in “Black List” of Nepal Rastra Bank.
·         3 years work experience is needed for salaried and self-employed individuals.
·         In case of business income, financial statement of the company should be audited.
·         The borrower must be at least 21years and should not exceed 60 years at the time of maturity. The retirement age must be more than the tenure of the loan.
Table No.13: Parameters for Home loan
Maximum Loan Amount
Rs. 50,00,000

Purchase of Land / Building
Renovation, modification, extension of Building
Construction of building on already owned/Purchased land
Minimum Loan Amount
Rs. 4,00,000
Rs. 2,00,000
Rs. 4,00,000
Loan portion
Up to 60% of Transfer deed (Rajinama) price or value estimated by valuator approved by the bank whichever is lower For land: Up to 60% of transfer deed (Rajinama) price or value estimated by valuator approved by the bank whichever is lower.
Up to 70% of cost of construction estimated by valuator approved by the bank
Up to 70% of cost of construction estimated by valuator approved by the bank
Minimum 2 years - Maximum 20 years

Processing Fee:
1% of the financed amount shall be charged upfront at the time of submission of loan application with necessary documents. The fee shall be refunded if the loan is not approved.
Prepayment Fee:
2% prepayment charge on the prepaid amount if prepayment is made within 1/3 of loan period. However, no prepayment fee will be charged if paid after maturity of 1/3 of the loan period.
Table.No14: Documents for Home loan
Documents required:
Y = Required; N = Not Required; O = Optional
Self Employed
2 Passport size photo of applicant / co-applicant
Photocopy of Citizenship Certificate / Passport (Applicant & guarantor)
Photocopy of Tax/PAN/VAT certificate along with registration certificate
Proof of Income
Original Salary Certificate
Photocopy of Tax/PAN/VAT certificate
Proof of Income
Original Salary Certificate not more than 10 days old
Photocopy of Contract agreement
Photocopy of Rent Contract
Original Bank Statement (Past 3 months)
Photocopy of Financial Statements (Past 3 years)
Original Quotation of vehicle and from the body builder if body needs to be built up. Fax copy of quotation mentioning applicant’s name received from dealer is also acceptable.
Photocopy of Pension book/ ID stating name of the pensioner, amount and validity period
Photocopy of Contract agreement between applicant and his/her employer
Photocopy of Rent Contract if any
Original Bank Statement (Past 6 months)
Photocopy of Audited Financial Statements (Past 3 years) 
Original letter stating coheir  of seller from local authority
Original quotation of housing company
Photocopy of Blue Print of the land  
Photocopy of Certificate of construction from Municipality/VDC in case of purchasing already built house  
Original Private Sale Agreement in case of Private Sales
Photocopy of Memorandum and Articles of Association 
Photocopy of Detailed break down of cost estimation from the applicant’s consultant 
Photocopy of Land ownership certificate
Photocopy of Latest land revenue receipt
Photocopy of Blue Print of building approved from Municipality/VDC
Photocopy of Land Transfer Deed
Original Four Boundary Disclosure
Approval letter of municipality for construction of house
Approval letter of municipality for extension and renovation/modification (if needed) of house

3.3 Analysis and Interpretation
The purpose of the data analysis and interpretation phase is to transform the data collected into credible evidence about the development of the intervention and its performance.
Customer Service department is a primary level department that generally deals with customers directly and regularly. This department is basically directed towards providing the surface level assistance to the customers i.e., to provide general information about banking system, product and services provided by the bank. The department is responsible for providing the basic materials like deposit vouchers, cheque book, bank statement, balance certificate, cards.
Customer Service Department is the face of bank. Customer Service Department is the place where customer initially interacts with the bank. Customer service expands client focus to include everything that happens within and around the bank, from the way staff greet clients, to the atmosphere in the waiting room, to the matter in which clients complains are handled.
The very first thing that the people seek in the organization is the prompt service and the person at the customer service desk properly handles them. The people at the customer service desk must be ready to sort out every problem at any moment. The customer service division can answer questions, resolve problems, and help you establish new accounts and services, and providing information on products, forms, and publications
The increasing competition in the banking sectors demands more service proliferation, which would satisfy the demand of the customers. Banks and other financial institution are introducing more and more innovative services such as ATM, debit card, internet banking, locker services and various other services for their customers to serve them more efficiently and effectively. Customers seek in organization the prompt service and the person at the customer service desk properly handled them. The people at the customer service desk must be ready to sort out every problem at any moment. A customer is the most important visitor on the business premises and customer is given help in the field of
1. Account Opening
2. Statement Printing
3. Scanning and Photocopy Of Documents
4. Handling Queries.
5. ATM Card Issue
6. Cheque Book Issue
7. Allotment of Account Number
8. Complain Handling
9. Phone Communication Handling
10. Signature Change
11. Receiving the Visitors
12. Updating the Records
13. Dealing with different customer problems
14. Instructing to fill up form for different reasons
15. Filing the Document
16. ABBS
17. SMS banking
I) Account opening
Any interested customer who wish to open an account in ABC Bank is inquired about the type of account he/she wants open, then customer is provided with account opening form and are requested to fill up account opening form and attached all required documents. After the form is filled up by customer, CUSTOMER SERVICE DEPARTMENT staff verifies the form and pass on to the CUSTOMER SERVICE DEPARTMENT head for final verification. After the approval from CUSTOMER SERVICE DEPARTMENT head, CUSTOMER SERVICE DEPARTMENT staff opens an account in bank on the name of respective customer. Then the customer is provided with an account number and requested to deposit at least minimum amount according to their account type.
During account opening time customer is also asked whether they need other services offered by bank like the ATM Card service, internet banking service, SMS banking service etc and if customer are interested to get those service then customers are asked to fill up respective forms to get those service.
iiStatement printing
Any customer who wants to have bank account statement print is requested to fill up bank account statement request form and submit then Customer Service Department staff verify account number, account name, identifies account holder, account holder’s signature and then provides respective bank account statement print to respective customer.
If the account type is Company account then company’s stamp is necessary along with account holder signature for bank account statement print.
iii) Scanning and photocopy of documents
Various documents like specimen signature cards, photographs, citizenship, passports etc should be properly scanned and photocopy and entered into bank system so that it could be accessed easily when it is needed.
iv) Handling customer queries
As we come across with different individuals, they certainly have different queries related to bank services, schemes and its products. Different queries of different customers should be handling in a very effective way so that customer gets satisfactory solution of their queries. While dealing with customers first we need to listen to the customer patiently and understand their queries or problems only after that we should provide the appropriate information or the solution as per customer’s need in very polite manner. If we do not have the appropriate information about the customer’s queries then we should ask to other staff and provide appropriate information to customer as quickly as possible. And queries are listened accordingly in the Nepal Bank Limited.
v) ATM Card issue
While opening a bank account, customer is inquired about the need of ATM Card. Once the form is filled up Customer Service Department staff will verify it and send it for the further processing. Customer is requested to come and collect their ATM card in two weeks.
After after two weeks bank receives the ATM card of the respective customer. When the customer comes to collect the ATM card, Customer Service Department staff verifies the signature of the customer and issue the ATM card to the respective customer along with ATM Pin number.
Only the account holder can collect the ATM card , if incase account holder is unable to come to collect card then application specifying the person to whom bank can provide card along with account holder signature should be provided to bank and person who comes to collect card should show their identity.
vi) Cheque book issue
When account holder used the entire cheque leaves bank issue cheque book to the customer. When customer fill up the cheque requisition slip that is attached along with cheque book. Customer cheque requisition slip submitted by the customer should be filled properly date wise and preserved in the department. Cheque books are usually made in a day and are arranged in a chronological order. Cheques can be issued to anyone other than the account holder but with the valid authority proof from the account holder.
vii) Allotment of Account Number
This department will maintain separate register for keeping record of account number already opened for each type of accounts i.e. for current account, savings, foreign currency account. For new account they allot account number by verifying the details of the customers in the system by two staff.
viii) Complain Handling
Most of the account related complains or any other problems regarding banking products and services should be handled by customer service department. This department is responsible  for providing efficient information to the account holder and handles their questions appropriately. Complains should be seriously taken and handled carefully in order to avoid such mistake in the future.
ix) Phone Communication Handling
The department is responsible for handling phone calls coming from outside. They are responsible to answer questions of the customers and provide account related information via telephone.
x) Signature Change
If any customer is willing to change his/ her signature for any genuine reason, a form called” Specimen Signature Card” is given to fill it. Customer is also required to submit the photo along with the documents such as Identity card/passport/ license for the authentication. Customer Service Department staff will verify the form along with the documents. Then Specimen Signature Card will be scanned and entered into the bank system. Hence the customer can use his new signature for any banking purpose.
xi) Receiving the Visitors
The primary role of the Customer Service Department is receiving the visitors by the staff at the most frontier location of the office. He /She bear the responsibility of receiving the client soothingly and impressively. The visitors are there for several purposes such as meeting a particular person, opening new account, closing the existing account, making inquiries relating to debit card, ABBS system etc. These all are dealt by the staff sincerely with all the respect and modesty. Customer Service Department personnel need to be calm and should posses good communication skill to motivate the customer to use the service provided by the bank. Customer Service Department personnel should not be rude because as far as customer is concerned if the personnel are rude, the bank itself is rude.
xii) Updating the Records
The Customer Service Department personnel needs to update the records if any change has occurred to the customer’s previously submitted information as soon as new information is provided to the Customer Service Department. There are various possibilities of changes they are discussed below:
A) Change in Address
If a change in client’s address takes place and such changes are notified to the bank for the necessary updates of bank records, the designated staff of Customer Service Department updates the record as per procedure mentioned here
·         Valid signature of account holder on the request letter.
·         A return request from the client.
Checking and Processing
·         Verify signature on the letter.
·         Ensure whether the phone number is changed.
·         Enter new address in the computer system.
·         Send acknowledgement letter of client's new address.
·         Designated staff checks” maintenance history” from client system of fiancé plus to ensure that the new address is correctly entered.
·         Keep clients request letter as well as acknowledgement letter sent by the bank.
B) Change in Signature:
In the following circumstances, change in signature is asked by the client.
·         Change in writing habit
·         Change in ownership.
·         Change in authorized person/office bearer etc.
For uninterrupted operation of accounts such changes are notified to the bank in writing for necessary updating of banks record and change of specimen signature cards. On receipts of such messages, the designated staff of CUSTOMER SERVICE DEPARTMENT updates the records as procedure maintained.
xiii) Dealing with Different Customer Problems
Various problems are faced by the customers while using the services of the bank. Customers bring their problem to the Customer Service Department first. Especially problems related to ATM machine were encountered frequently during my stay in that department. Sometimes the debit card would get stuck inside the machine such card is taken out from the ATM and kept in Customer Service Department. The customers can collect such cards from the CS desk. If money couldn’t be withdrawn from the ATM then the customers come to Customer Service Department and the staffs there guide the customer to pus machine. This machine is frequently used in the branches where the bank does not have an ATM.
The debit cards are swipe on the pus machine and the amount demanded by the customer comes out in a slip. There will be two copies of a slip naming “merchant” and “customer”. The merchant copy is signed by the customers and then submitted to the teller. The teller verifies the signature and recompenses the amount referred in the slip. The customer copy is given to the customer for the reassurance of the amount taken out from the card.
xiv) Instructing to Fill up Forms for Different Reasons
There are many other works to be done in the bank by Customer Service Department. Some new people come to the bank for cash deposit. They are well drilled to fill up the voucher consequently. Similarly, some people approach there if their account is dormant. The account becomes dormant if no transaction is made for the period of six month. For these types of customers Customer Service Department provides form and instruct them to fill up for activating their account. As such in case of lose of debit card, people come there and they are again privileged by a form in order to get a new card. This all is executed by Customer Service Department with no negligence.
xv) Filing and Documentation
Filing and documentation are very important task that the Customer Service Department staffs do. The entire paper work has to be done simultaneously to the computer work. There are different files for filing different documents. The account holders’ form, their signature cards, and their request slip all are filed in separate files. The void cheques are also filed. The request for debit card issuance is mailed to the card center daily. Such request is printed out and filed in a separate file. Similarly the account statement issued and cheque issued are printed and filed. The authorized letter received by the Customer Service Department is also filed.
Similarly I have also conducted questionnaire with the Customer about the quality service and according to the Annexure.
From Section I: Out of the 5 customer 3 said visiting bank 1-2 month and 2 said visiting bank 3-5 month and none said above that.
From Section II: Out of the 5 customer 3 said whole of the services good and 2 said average quality service
From Section III: Out of the 5 customer 4 said the staff polite, helpful, caring and mannered and 1 said rude, incompetent.
So, with this brief explanation of Nepal bank limited there is the very much good Customer Services given to the customer and customer are also very much happy with the services of Nepal bank limited.

Nepal Bank Nepal Limited has a mission to deliver a good service to everyone. In this scenario, corporate entities cannot be an exception. Hence, Nepal bank limited Lending is solely targeted to meet the requirements of corporate entities of Nepalese market.
Corporate lending includes both funded and non-funded facilities as per the requirement of corporate entities. Some of the products offered are Overdraft, Demand Loan, Term Loan, and Project Finance and so on. The credit facilities exceeding NPR millions falls under corporate lending. But there are other loan facilities also such as margin loan, house loan, auto loan etc..
Target: Any success driven entrepreneurs who add value to economic growth.
Sectors: Manufacturing units, construction companies/contractors, tourism and travel trade, Handicrafts, traders, wholesaler, retailers, importers/exporters, logistics, education, health, manpower etc.
Features of credit Department:
·         Personalized Service
·         Competitive interest rates
·         Ten days to cash (TDTC*) after submission of complete required documents
·         Experience complete banking (we will offer entire range of products/services to the SMEs including lending products, deposit products and other ancillary products such as cards, lockers, transactional banking, internet banking, ABBS, etc.)
·         Initiate and participate in active awareness programs, workshops, seminars for the benefit of our SME communities.
·         Micro Lending to micro entrepreneurs in groups or individual basis
·         Loan for community hospital under following conditions
·         CIC Program: CIC is a program to find the detail information of the customer while lending loan from bank. Sometimes customer want to hide their detail information regarding loan from others bank while taking loan from one bank. At that time bankers will not be able to know their customer and cannot get sufficient knowledge about them. But nowadays banks use CIC program to search detail information about loan takers. In this program name, address, citizenship number, name of father or grandfather is entered in the system and system provides detail information about that customer if there is any information available. Information on loan taken from different banks, black marketing list etc. should be obtained from that program. In credit department I used this program to find detail information on customer.

So, with this brief explanation of Nepal bank limited there is the very much good loan services given to the customer and customer are also very much happy with the competitive loan rate and services of Nepal bank limited.
 Comparison of Audited Financial Data of Nepal Bank Limited of Last Four Year
Rs in Million
loans and advances (gross)
Investments (gross)
Interest Income
Interest Expenses
Operating Profit
Net Profit

Similarly, I would also like explain the trend of deposit and loan activities descriptically. Deposit is in the increasing trend from 2066/67(42,882 million), 2067/68(46,808 million), 2068/69(56,052 million) to 2069/70(62984 million).So from the data we can conclude a very good deposit service to the customer so that customer are very happy to deposit in the NBL.
Similarly, loan advances is also increasing with the similar trend from 25052 in 2066/67, 46808 in 2067/68, 56052 in 2068/69 and 62,984 on 2069/70. So loan activities if Nepal Bank Limited is also increasing due to a very good loan services given to the Customer.


1.      The procedure for opening account is simple and easily opened within a short period of time.
2.      The study shows that maximum numbers of people choose NBL as their Bank because of the NBL performance. This states that the customer perceived NBL as good Bank in terms of the performance
3.      Flow of opening saving account is higher than the current and fixed account.
4.      Most of the customers are satisfied by the free SCT service.
5.      Most people close their account due to their own problems rather than other reasons.
6.      Customers are satisfied with the services and friendly behaviors of the staff.
7.      Friendly, co-operative, helpful, skillful staff.
8.      While opening the account in Nepal Bank, the minimum balance is comparatively lower than other bank.
9.      The Bank gives equal value to every customer.
10.  Nepal Debit Card can be used in many places as discussed above
11.  Payment of every account interest is done quarterly except Senior Citizen Saving Account, which is paid monthly.
12.  Highest interest rate in deposit account is 6%
13.  The interest earning to loans and advance is increased.
14.  Mainly three types of account are hold by the people they are current, saving and fixed deposits.
15.  As discussed above there is very good service regarding customer service and loan activities.

Suggestions and conclusion
So from the study and analysis of the Customer Service and loan activities of NBL it can be said that the customer has been increasing because of quality sevice in the field of customer service and loan activities. But then also bank has not been able to utilize the collected saving according to the borrower and nation requirement. So it will be profitable for NBL if it provides more amount of long term and medium term loan.
Bank is the most important institution for accelerating economic growth in the country. It is quite true that a strong financial institution is of a great need in the development of the developing country like Nepal. The Nepal Bank Limited is one of the oldest banks of the country which has got the history of 67 years. This bank is now in its advance stage. As being the first commercial bank it has to pass through different ups and down according the situation. NBL has been providing different services to its customers. NBL played a vital role in the over all development of the country. NBL previously was started with the 51% of the government and 49% of the public but at present time the bank has got the 40.49% share of the government and 59.51% of the general public. So looking at this factor, NBL has developed a lot in this time. The Bank has high contribution in fulfilling the economic improvement by collecting the scattered resources through the network of 118 branches through out the country. Though commercial banks are profit oriented and invest these resources in those sectors from where they could gain maximum profit, NBL is initiated not only with profit oriented motive. It has always given preference to the economic and the financial development of the country. It provides credit facilities to the trader, agriculturist, industrialist, businessman etc. It can be said that NBL acts as the pillar of the economic development. NBL facilitate international banking by being directly connected with major international banks.NBL has different functions but the main function is to provide the security to the wealth of the customers. NBL generally provide three different types of accounts i.e. saving, current and fixed deposit account. Although the interest is not provided in current account, people deposit in this account for its safety. Fixed deposit account is most common among the people because it has higher interest rate, can be pledged as collateral for loan and easier to open. The study provides the brief knowledge of "Customer Service and Loan activities of Nepal Bank Limited" and presents condition of customer service and loan activities of NBL.

3.3. Recommendation and suggestion
Some suggestion and recommendation are being put forward for the improvement and development of Nepal Bank Limited which are as follows:

1. Now, the economic condition of the country is deteriorating; there is danger of reduction of business and industrial activities. Therefore banks should not focus only in collecting huge amount of deposit by increasing the interest rate.
2. It is common complain that customers entering the branch premises have crave for employee attention. The remedy lies in creation of a friendly behaviour to all customers who come into the branch, whether valuable or not. A smile on the face would not cost but would go along way in satisfying customer’s expectation.
3. Considering the present economic condition of the country, the bank should pay pivotal role for the economic development of the country. They should promote balanced regional development by financing funds in remote and other priority sectors.
4. The banks mobilized capital should be made available for investment in productive enterprises whether the business is of small, medium or large sized. Thus the bank should expand its credit to promote economic development more rapidly.
5. Higher interest rate is a tool to attract customer to deposit their money. This will eventually lead to the collection of funds. The cash deposited by the customer are liquid position to help maintain adequate liquidity position of the bank. It also offers more chance to invest or lend.
6.There is serious competition among joint venture banks, finance companies and insurance companies being ruined or even strong companies going to losses and liquidate. Therefore the bank should be service oriented. They should train and motivate the staffs, get up-to date information about other bank and try to grow their market.
7.The bank should concentrate in various investment policies, so that the investment is done in wide range of profitable sectors in proportionate manner. The bank should scrutinize with, are parties, bank are dealing with, are having good reputation or not otherwise, the transaction, the truncation with bad parties may lessen the value of bank.
8. The bank should publish annual report and distribute booklets containing details information about its activities and performance as well.
9.The bank should follow the discipline and adopt directives of NRB. This helps to maintain harmonious relationship between other banks as well.
10.The bank should launch various kinds of welfare programs for its staffs and the society. Excellent staffs should be promoted in order to motivate them.
11.The bank should grab opportunities as soon possible, by adopting efficient and latest market strategies. Traditional method should be left behind.
12.There should be certain fund for advertising. Advertising also helps to attract depositors and borrowers.
13.NRB should invite commercial banks officials to participate in formulating policies rules, regulation and directives.
14.Banks should bring attractive motivational programs to motivate their employees effectively and efficiently.
15.NBL should change its marketing concept. It should adopt new and modern marketing concept. Now, it should go for the societal marketing concept for the betterment of the society and itself.
16.The bank must employ only required number of employees otherwise it may create a big problem in bank.
17.The Bank should also provide more attention towards the priority sectors and also provide the industrial scheme for the development of the economic condition of the country.
18.The bank must not invest only in one sector; different sector should be selected of the investment.
19.Since it has certain responsibility towards the country, it must work for the economic development of the country.

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