The value of Time

Our life is short. We have to pass short life in this world. We have to do many works. So we have to use time wisely. Time once gone never comes back. It is said that time and tide waits for no man. If we use time properly, we can achieve a lot in our life. If we do not use time properly, we fail to achieve success.

We must not spend our time carelessly. Time is as valuable as wealth. It should be spent wisely. We should spend every second, minute and hour in order to utilize time properly. We must make the routine of work and do accordingly. We should give more time to important activities and less time to less important activities. For example a student must give more important to his study. If he spends more time in other activities rather than the study, he cannot get good education. The western people follow the time strictly. That is why they are making progress in every field. We Nepalese don't follow the time strictly. So we are in backward condition. It is quite important of time and makes the right use of it.

There are some people who don't utilize the time properly. They spend their time on unnecessary gossiping, playing cards. They spend most of their time watching television and listening to the radio. They cannot get success in their life. They suffer in their whole life.

We must learn the value of time from the early stage. If we are in a habit of wasting time from our early stage, we will develop the same habit in the later stage. That is why the children should be taught to use the time wisely by the parents and teachers. Example is better than precept. So the parents and teachers should be an example to use the time properly.

Time can be divided into three categories; the past, present and future. The past is dead and gone. We cannot control it. We can correct our mistake in the present from the experiences of the past. The present is the most important time. We can make the best use of present. We must not waste even a single minute. We can make plans for the future. Without planning, we cannot do any work effectively. So future is also important.

Our life is valuable. We have to do a lot of things in this life. Time is as valuable as life. If we give importance to our life, we have to give importance to the time. Success in life depends upon the proper use of time.

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