Freedom and Self-reliance

Such students—free and independent rather than parasites and slaves—are what we aim to cultivate. A good student is a worshiper of freedom, but let's avoid flipping our definition to see freedom as impoliteness and indiscipline. Genuine freedom is an unadulterated feeling that is free from hypocrisy, rudeness, indiscipline, deceit, and other negative traits. It is the result of diligence and hard work, and it elegantly combines moral and spiritual values with academic achievement.

The question "where from this cosmos comes; where does it remain; and whither it goes" is posed by a student in the Upanishads. The teacher responds forcefully, "From freedom it comes, into freedom it lives, and towards freedom it goes," as she is overcome with the urge of delight. Here, the topic of freedom has been discussed in great length. Actually, this freedom reveals the distinctive qualities of Brahma, the ultimate truth, whom we also regard as God. The ocean of freedom that is this ultimate truth also happens to be an ocean of light and joy.

Every person enjoys freedom because he or she is a fundamental component of God. But in each person's situation, this real freedom is imposed. Because of this, we confuse rudeness and disobedience for freedom. With the power of information that only true education can provide, this misconception can be cleared up. When we strive for freedom, it must be a holistic freedom that encompasses and embraces the components of physical, vital, mental, intellectual, and spiritual freedom. It cannot be a fragmented and isolated freedom. Every person must not be in need of food, clothing, or other basic necessities. A man must obtain food for himself, drink for himself, clothing for himself, and medical care for himself if he is ill. Similar circumstances apply to freedom's physical, mental, intellectual, and spiritual facets. A guy must have the chance to think, read, write, and talk. The distinctive form of government known as democracy has been invited under the banner of freedom of speech, writing, and ideas.

In the end, spiritual freedoms—where man becomes a transcendental existence—are what he aspires to most. In such a personality, all natural laws and laws of by-laws cease to apply. Absolute freedom is the kind of liberation that yoga alone can grant us. Let's strive for freedom, which is the antithesis of slavery. However, for humans to be able to distinguish between the good and the bad, this freedom must be genuine and supported by wisdom.

Another crucial aspect of character is self-reliance, which is a growth of freedom itself. I need to develop the habits of accomplishing things on my own and independently of other people. This is the self-reliance trait. But can I carry out all of my life's necessities on my own? No, it's often vital to work in a team. But working as a team also means being independent. A man shouldn't aim for or attempt things that are outside of his capacity. Self-reliance can easily lead to egoism and failure if it is misunderstood.

If they fall within our ranges of plausibility and possibility, the self-reliance principle instructs us to undertake all sorts of work—physical, vital, mental, intellectual, and spiritual—by ourselves without depending upon others. Let me do these things by myself if I can read by myself, carry the luggage, cook, wash, and sweep. Let none of us be afraid to take on any task, no matter how menial it may seem at first. A desire for teamwork grows naturally as the virtue of self-reliance develops and becomes dominant. As a result, people come together to establish a society, which then develops into a nation. Eventually, we arrive at a universal vision that embraces all of humanity.

 The theme of independence is prevalent "I was unable to alter the course of the world, my bosses, my son, my daughter, my associates, my business partners, or my friends. I thus made the decision to alter myself. The transformation of oneself leads to the transformation of the world." – Unknown

If you feed your son fish, he can eat for a day; if you teach him to fish, he can eat every day. This is self-reliance, which develops sound professionalism and transforms your life into one that is sustainable and full of happiness. - Unknown


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