DESTRUCTION is the only thing, which humans do very well. They have mastered using weapons, taking life and destruction. The skill of theirs has made the world a difficult place to live in.
Talking about destruction, what come first in one's mind is nuclear weapon. A nuclear bomb works by splitting atoms, making a huge mass of radioactive cloud spreading over 100's of kilometers destroying anything in its way.
If a nuclear bomb is dropped in NEPAL, then not even a plan tom will be found even decades after the blast. Neither here will be any controversy between India and Pakistan for Kashmir nor will the height of Mount Everest be 8,848 meters.
The radiation caused by nuclear weapons can also do wonderful things. Once a hen in Russia layed an egg almost as big as an ostriches egg, then it stopped laying eggs. The owner of the hen claimed it to be the effect of the nuclear testing going on some hundred miles far. Later the owner too died due to skin cancer. It would have been better if the nuclear science were put forward for betterment of humankind.
Scientists describe the blasting of nuclear bomb as "A heavenly sight seen from the hell (Earth)"