'Unity: The Need Of The Country.'

'Unity: The Need Of The Country.'

Unity refers to the feeling of togetherness, mutual co-operation and good relationship among each other. The world is globalized on the one hand and on the other hand, every ethnic and indigenous community is seeking for their separate sovereign state, and rights to be established in the present situation of the country. In such a critical moment, national unity has become inevitable.

It is believed that unity can do even impossible deeds. It has the strength to topple the existing norms and values. There is one proverb in Nepali that “If one splits it dries up but a thousand splits make a sea." Naturally, the voice of the masses is addressed but an individual's demands are never met or heard. The very example of our country's history shows this. When there were small, states the British attempted to colonize our country but the country was united then they were defeated.

Today our country is burning because of internal conflicts and crisis. No sooner had we stepped into peace, then another sort of disorder, chaos and violence emerged. Whether it is in the name of Terai people or any people, whether it is in the name of women's empowerment or back warded communities, the fight among Nepalese can never settle unless they grow the feeling of brotherhood. Today everybody is looking for their rights to be established by hook or by crook. But the way they are working to achieve their goal is not right. The country is in need of such a national hero who stands higher than his and any political parties' benefits and thinks about the welfare of the whole nation.

India had Gandhi and Nehru, South Africa was lucky enough to have Nelson Mandela, the U.S. had George Washington and Lincoln, so must be the case with Nepal. What I mean to say is ever since the country originated we have been lacking such figure in true sense.

As we know well that is is very difficult to break a bundle of sticks at a blow but when they are separated, we are able to break a single stick easily. Similarly, if we all the Nepali People are united and become devoted towards the well-being of the country, certainly we can uplift our identity. Therefore, to make the story short, unity is needed for any sort of development in a country. Our country is eagerly waiting for sustainable, long lasting and very strong unity as a ladder to climb for peace and success and it is the real power of a nation.



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