Banking Question

Section A: General Banking and Financial Concept      25 * 1 = 25
(Select the best fitted answers from the option given below)

1. What is the minimum required paid up capital to operate a commercial bank    based in Katmandu?

A. 2 billion                                              C. 2.5 billion
B. 20 billion                                            D. 200 billion

2. Which bank was established first in Nepal?

A. Commercial Bank                       B. Central Bank
C. Merchant Bank                                   D. Development Bank.

3. If bank goes on liquidation, which of the following liabilities is prioritized?

A. Depositors                                 B. Promoters Share
C. Public Share holders                          D. Borrowers

4. Which of the following is the overall measure of the unit profitability?
A. Current Ratio                             B. Quick Ratio
C. Debt- Equity ratio                      D. Return on Capital employed
5. While issuing safe deposit locker the bank acts as:

A. Trustee                                                B. Agent
C. Pledge                                                 D. Debtor

6. Which of the following item is generally placed & prioritized at top of the balance sheet in assets side

A. Fixed Assets                                       B. Investment
C. Cash in Hand & Bank                D. Account Receivable

7. What do you mean by IPO?

A. Initial Public Offering                B. Initial Public Outflow
C. Initial primary offering                       D. Initial Private Offering
8. What is the minimum no. of Share Holder to open a private limited company as per Company Act, 2063?
A. 1                                                B.5
C. 7                                                D.3

9. What is meant by the term "bearish" in stock trading?
A. Falling price of Share              B. Stagnant price of share
C. Rise in Price of Share              D. None of above.

10. SENSEX is the share price index of which country?
A. India                                          B. Singapore
C. Switzerland                             D. Spain

11. Which is a Joint Venture Bank with Everest Bank?

A. Punjab Bank                              B. Bank of Punjab
C. Punjab National Bank                D. Punjab-Nepal Bank.

12. What is the full form of SWIFT?

A. Society for World wide Inter bank Financial Transaction
B. Society for World wide Inter bank Financial Transformation
C. Society for World wide Inter bank Financial Telecommunication
D. Society for World wide Inter bank Financial Technology

13. Which of the following Instruments bears the character of promissory note?
A. Cheque                                      B. Bank Draft
C. Currency Notes                          D. Travelers Cheque

14. Which is considered as 1st established Commercial bank in the world?
A. Bank of America                       B. American Express Bank
C. Citi Bank                                   D. Bank of Venice

15 Unless otherwise stated a cheque is valid till:

A. One Year                                   B. Six Months
C. Three Months                            D. One Month
16. Which of the following is not a function of Nepal Rastra Bank?
A. Issuance of Notes                              B. Clearing house
C. Lender of last resort                           D. Issuance of Shares

17.  Which is the most suitable ratio to measure the liquidity position of the company?
A. Current Ratio                             B. Quick Ratio
C. Debt- Equity ratio                      D. Return on Capital employed

18. Which of the Commercial Banks management was taken over by NRB recently?
A. NABIL Bank                             B. Everest Bank
C. NMB Bank                                        D. None of above

19. If two banks have their account in the third bank then the third bank's account is called?
A. Vostro a/c                                           B. Lorro a/c
C. Nostro a/c                                           D. None of above

20. Which of the following is not a financial institution?
A. World Bank                                        B.  IMF
C. UN                                                      D.  None of Above

Section B: General Knowledge & Current Affairs                 15*1 = 15

21. What is the name of the governor of Nepal Rastra Bank?

A. Deependra Bahadur Chhetri               B. Tilak Rawal
C. Satyendra P Shrestha                         D. Dr. Yuvraj Khatiwada

22. Which Nepali has won Magsaysay Award in wireless computer technology?

A. Sanduk Ruit                                        B. Mahavir Pun
C. Dr. Arjun Lamichhane                       D. Mohan Bikram Gyawali

23. What is the name of the UN Secretary?

A. Nancy Powell                                     B. Ban Ki Moon
C. Ian Martin                                           D. Kofi Annan

24. What is the currency of Italy?

A. Kroner                                                B. Dollar
C. Three Months                                      D. Lira

25. Lufthansa Airlines belongs to which country?
A. Great Britain                                       B. Spain
C. Germany                                             D. Australia

26. Who is the winner of French Open, 2009 in men's singles title?
A. Raefel Nadal                                       B. Andy Roddick
C. Juan Carlos Ferroro                             D. Roger Federer

27. What is the capital of Argentina?
A. Buenos Aires                                      B. Santiago
C. Caracas                                               D. Rio De Jenario

28. Who is the inventor of Dynamite?
A. Alfred Nobel                                      B. Thomas Edison
C. Albert Einstien                                    D. Graham Bell
29.  Lake Rara is situated in which district of Nepal?
A. Humla                                                 B. Jajrkot
C. Dailekh                                               D. Mugu

30. FIFA world cup football 2010 is being held in:
A. Australia                                             B. Germany
C. South Africa                                       D. Japan
31. Which of the following is not a G8 member?
A. USA                                                    B. Japan
C. India                                                   D. France

32. How many commercial banks are currently operating in Nepal?
A. 29                                                       B. 26
C. 24                                                       D.25

33. United States of America was discovered by:
A. Christopher Columbus                        B. John Howard
C. George Lewis                                      D. Daniel Stevens

34. Who is the author of famous book series "Harry Potter"?
A. J. N. Rowling                                      B. J. K. Rowling
C. J. C. Rowling                                      D. J. P. Rowling

35. The author of famous Nepali novel "Shirish ko Phool" is:
A. Laxmi Prasad Devkota                        B. Jhamak Ghmire
C. Parijaat                                                D. B.P.Koirala

Section C: Problem solving & Logical reasoning         20 * 1 = 20

36. If 15 employees working independently and at the same rate can manufacture 27 baskets in an hour, how many baskets would 45 employees working independently and at the same rate manufacture in 40 minutes?

A. 27                                                       B. 40                                          
C. 35                                                       D. 54
37. A field is rectangular and its width is 1/3 as long as its length. What is the area of the field if the length of the field is 120 Yards?

A. 480 square yard                                  B. 2400 square yards
C. 4800 Square yards                              D. 5000 square yards

38. 03 times .05 is

A. 15%                                                 B. 1.5 %
   C. 0.15%                                              D. 0.0015%

39. City B is 8 miles east of city A. City C is 6 miles north of city B. City D is 16 miles east of city C and city E is 12 miles north of city D. What is the distance from city A to city E?

A. 10 miles                                           B. 20miles
   C. 24 miles                                           D. 30 miles

40.  If the length of rectangle is increased by 20% and the width is decreased by 20% , then the area

A. Decreased by 20%              B. Decreased by 4%
C. Stays the same                                 D. Increased by 10%

41. A basket contains eggs and it doubles in every minutes. If the basket was filled in 60 minutes, when was the basket half filled?

A. 28 min                                             B. 35 min
C. 30 min                                             D. 59 min
42.  What is the next number in the series 2, 11, 29, 65……………..????

A. 137                                                  B. 187
C. 147                                                  D. 117
43. Mary's father has five daughters: 1. Nana, 2. Nene, 3. Nini, 4. Nono. What is the name of the fifth daughter?

A. Nu  Nu                                             B. Nol Nol
C. Nek Nek                                          D. None of Above

44. Take 1000 and add 40 to it. Now add another 1000. Now add 30. Add another 1000. Now add 20. Now add another 1000. Now add 10. What is the total?

A. 3000                                               B. 5100
C. 5000                                                D. 4100

45. Some months have 31 days. How many have 28?

A. 1                                                    B. 4
C. 2                                                      D. 5

46. The volume of a rectangular box is 1680cm3 and its height is 20 cm, if it is placed on a table, find the area covered by it on the table.

(A). 186 cm2                 (B) 81cm2          (C) 84cm2                     (D) 94cm2

47. If the average of Rs.16, Rs.20, Rs.25 and Rs.Y is Rs.20, Find Rs.Y?

(A). 21                 (B) 19        (C) 15                    (D) 25

     48. Find the size of unknown angles a, b, c
(A).70, 70, 40              (B) 40, 40,100        (C) 70, 70, 70           (D) 45, 45, 90

                              b                                                 a      
49. Divide Rs.350 in the ratio of 4:3
(A).Rs.250 Rs 100        (B) Rs.300, Rs.50      (C) Rs 200, Rs 150      (D) Rs. 325 , Rs. 25

50. A shopkeeper sold a radio for Rs.336 at 5% profit. At what price did he purchase the radio?
(A).Rs.302        (B) Rs.320      (C) Rs 230      (D) Rs. 420

51. In how many years a sum of money triples itself at the rate of 10%?
(A). 25        (B) 10         (C) 12         (D) 20

52. What Comes next in the series 10, 20, 70, 150………………………
(A).Rs. 250        (B) Rs.410       (C) 310        (D) Rs. 320

53. What comes next in the series 2, 4, 16, 128………….
(A).Rs. 2088            (B) Rs.2044           (C) 2084            (D) Rs.2048
54. A man is 30 Years older than his son. After 4 years he will be three times as old as his son. Find their present ages?
(A) 41, 11           (B).42, 12         (C) 41, 12          (D) 40, 11

55. If ¾ part of the distance between two places is 45 km, find the distance between places.
(A).           (B).60         (C) 60.5          (D) 65

Section D:  Economics                                                 10 * 1 =     10 Marks
  1. The demand for labor is

(A) A derived demand                    
(B)  Declining
(C)  About 4% of the total workforce       
(D)  Underutilized

  1. When income increase consumption also  increases & production increases too and the :
(A) Demand for labor also decreases                       
(B)  Demand of labor also increase
(C)  Supply of labor also increases       
(D)  Supply of labor also decreases

  1. Who is the father of economics?
(A) Bill Gates                                   
(B) Henry ford
(C) Adam Smith
(D) Charles Babbage

  1. Economics is Science of

(A) Wealth 
(B) Health
(C) Money
(D) Finance

  1. When demand curve and supply curve meet
(A) Cost is determined
(BPrice is determined
(C) Money is drawn
(D) Financial position is analyzed

  1. Which of the below mentioned sector is not included in four sector model of   Economics:
A. Household                                                 B. Business
C. Export/Import                                            D. Banking

  1. Which branch of study mentioned below  is not derived from economics
  1. Investment                       B. Management
C.  Finance                           D. Marketing

  1. How many branches of economics are there?
      (A). 4                            (B).1                          (C) 3                                 (D) 2

  1. Price and Demand are :
(A)  Positively related  (B) Negatively related  (C) Not related  (D) Absolutely related

     65. Demand and Supply is
(A) Positively related (B) Negatively related (C) Not related (D) Absolutely related

Section E: Verbal Ability & Comprehension            25 * 1= 25

In this section, from question 66 to 70, State which of them different/odd item is:

66.  (A) Tiger       (B) Bear      (C) Lion             (D) Fox          (E) Giraffe

67.  (A) T-shirt     (B) Pant       (C) Sweater        (D) Knickers    (E) Socks

68.  (A) Shoes      (B) Socks     (C) Snickers        (D) Knickers    (E) All is similar

69. (A) Red        (B) Maroon     (C) Scarlet           (D) Pink         (E) Green

70. (A) Father     (B) Aunty       (C) Cousin        (D) Uncle       (E) All is similar.

 In this section, from question 71 to 75, each of the following sentences completion questions contains one or two blanks. These blanks signify that a word or set of word had been left out. Below each sentence are five words or set of words. For each blank, pick the word or set of words that best reflects the sentence's overall meaning.

71. Studded starfish are well protected from most_________ and parasites by _________ surface whose studs are actually modified spines.                                                                                                                                                                    
A. dangers……a vulnerable
B.   predators……. .an armored
C.   threats……..a fragile
D.   challenges…… obtuse
E.    exigencies……..a brittle

72. After having worked in the soup kitchen feeding the hungry, the volunteer began to see her own good fortune as _________ and her difference from the ______ as chance rather than destiny.

A. an omen……homeless
B. a fluke…impoverished
C. a threat…… destitute
D a reward……indigent
E a lie……affluent

73. Some Students are ______ and want to take only the courses for which they see immediate value.
A. theoretical
B. impartial
C. pragmatic
D. idealistic
E. opinionated

74. It is only the vain that all is vanity; and all is _________ only to those who have never been _______ themselves.
A. arrogance…..proud of
B deception…….sincere with
C. cowardice……. afraid for
D. indolence…….bored by
E. solitude…….left to

75. The first forty years of life give us the text; the next thirty supply the ________
A. abridgement
B. bibliography
C. commentary
D. epitaph
E. title

Write the synonyms of :

76. Convene
A. Contrived           B. Assemble          CConverge             D. Approach

77. Decelerate:
A. Converge            B. Behead                      CSlow down             D. Speed up

78. Exaggerate:
A. Slow Down        B. Overstate                    C.  Converge            D. Explain

79. Extrovert
A.  Outgoing          B. Balance                       C.  Audit                  D. Entry

80. Faculty:
A. Foresight            B. Facility                       C.  Staff                   D. Famous

Select the correct preposition for blanks in the below stated sentences:

81. Would you like to have __________    juice?  
a) a                                 b) an                              c) some             d) much

82.  Last week I was held up ___________ four hours, because of the traffic.
a) While                         b) during                        c) for                              d) since

83. I heard a glass breaking noise in the living room ran to see what happened. A pigeon flew _____the window and broke it.
a) From             b) by                              c) against                                    d) for

84. Something strange has ________________during last week.
a) Occurred                    b) do                              c) done              d) habitual

85. Can I ________ a cup of tea?
a) Has                            b) had                            c) have              d) did

Section F: Computer Literacy 

86. Write the short cut keys to close the page of MS Word

a) CTRL + F4         b) ALT+ F4    c) CTRL + F6     d) ALT + F6

87. Write the short cut keys to print

a) CTRL + P           b) ALT+P       c) CTRL + F1      d) ALT + F6

88. Write the short cut keys to cut

a) CTRL + P           b) ALT+P       c) CTRL + X       d) ALT + X

89. Write the short cut keys to undo

a) CTRL + F4         b) ALT+F5      c) CTRL + Z     d) ALT + Z

90. How many function keys are there in the keyboard?

a) 15                b) 21              c) 12                 d) 11

91. Which program of Microsoft office package is also known as spreadsheet?

a) Word           b) Power point              c) Access               d) Excel

92. Which of the following in not Anti-virus software?

a) Kaspersky       b) NOD              c) AVG              d) ADOBE

93. Which was the first computer bought in Nepal?
a) IBM II     b) IBM 1400            c) IBM 1401         d) IBM I

94. Who was the first lady computer programmer?

(A) Lady Augusta Ada Lovelace
(B) Lady Austin
(C) Lady Marie
(D) Lady Ferine Montasha Cornell.

95. Computer is an……….. Device

a) Electronic          b) Mechanical           c) Communication           d) Useful

Section G: Subjective Answering

96. What are the causes and effects of "Global Financial Crisis”? Unlike in other countries, why is the significant impact of Global Financial Crisis not seen in Nepal? 

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