Banking Question(Objective)


Part I                                              (1x15=15 Marks)

Mark tick (√ ) in the correct answer/fill in the Blanks:

  1. What is the maximum of the Directors in a Board of Commercial Bank?
a. 7               b.9              c.11                     d. No Limit

  1. Who was the player of the World Cup in the currently concluded ICC cricket world Cup 2003?
a. Ricky Ponting           b. Chaminda Vaas     c. Bret Lee         d. Sachin Tenkulkar

      3.    What is the full form of SWOT?


  1.   In a geometrical series what is the next number?
2,      6,      18, _________                  

  1. Which country is called play-ground of Europe?
       a. Switzerland        b.  France      c.  Italy      Egypt

  1. Who wrote the first grammar in Sanskrit?
  a. Kalidas     b. Dhanantari      c.  Panini     d. Chakrapani

  1. In Microsoft Word, which menu do you use to put the page numbers in the documents?
a. File                  b. View             c. Tools               d. Insert

  1. Name the author of the book ‘Urbashi’?
         a. Laxmi Prasad Devkota                          b. Balkrishana Sama

         c. Siddi Charan Shrestha                           d.  B.P.Koirala

  1. How many days notice in advance is required to serve to the shareholders regarding the agenda as well as date and venue of the meeting for holding an holding an Extraordinary General Meeting of the Company?
a. At least 21 days     b.  At least 35 days     c. At least 15 days    d. At least 7 days

    10.  Which one is greater by how much?
            23 x 3 and 32          Ans.   _____
     11. If ‘Nissan’ is the Trade Mark of Motor Cars ‘Good Year’ refers to the Trade Mark of__
              a. Glassware      b.  Biscuits       c.  Cosmetics       d.Tyres

12.      What is the name of the currency of Malaysia?
          a. peso                     b. Ngultrum        c. Kina              d. Ringgit

13.      ‘Davis Cup’ is associated with which games?
           a. Cricket        b. Golf               c. lawn Tennis    d. Table Tennis

14.      When was His Majesty King Dipendra nominated as the king of Nepal?
a. jestha 22,2058   b. jestha 21,2058   c.jestha 20,2058  d. jestha 19,2058

15.      What is the Present Value of Rs. 1 due at end of the 2nd Year, discounted at 10%?

               a. o.83           b. o.75          c. o.68          d. o.62

Part-11 Short Answer Questions              (3 x 20= 60 Marks)

Write short answer on the following questions:

1.      What do you mean by price elasticity of demand?

2.      What do you mean by real interest rate?

3.      What are the major three problems of Nepalese economy?

4.      What is Break even Point?

5.      What do you mean by highly geared company?

6.      What is pay back period?

7.      The deposit mix of M/s XYZ Bank is as below:

Current Deposit   200                          Savings Deposit 250
             Fixed Deposit      500                          Margin Deposit 50

7. The interest rates on saving and Fixed Deposits are 5.5% and 7.5% respectively. What is the                average cost of deposit of M/s XYZ Bank?

8. Twenty years ago father’s age was 5 times of the son’s age. At present father’s age is 10 Year more     than twice of his son. How old are father and son at present?

9. A small bus starts its journey at 8 am for 100 miles at Kms per hour At 8.30 am same journey at a speed of 100 Kms per hour. At what time the faster bus meets the small bus?
     33.33 Min

10. What is 40% of ¾?

11. Ram received the following marks in I.S ExM:

     English 60       Mathematics 85      Physics 75      Chemistry 70     and Biology 90.

For the entrance examination of MBBS the Teaching Hospital gave the weightage of 1,2,3,4,5 for English, Mathematics, Physics,  Chemistry and Biology respectively. Which is the average mark of Ram for entrance exam.

  1.   What do you mean by Marketing Mix?
  1. What are the stages of Product Life Cycle?
  1. What is the main difference between hypothecation and pledge?
  1. What are the main three functions of Commercial Bank?
  1. What are the main three functions of central Bank?
  1. Write minimum three items each in Assets and Liability side of Balance Sheet.
  1. What is the difference between the Gross Working Capital and Net Working Capital?
  1. Write three conditions of Perfect Competition Market?
  1. Name the 6 countries of Euro Land.

Part- 111 Essay Type Question                                (25 Marks)

Solve any one of the following:

  1. What are the major problems of the Nepalese economy? What are your suggestions to resolve these problems under the existing socio-economic situation of the country?

  1. What is your aim in life? Do you what to make Banking as your career? Why?

  1. It said that Customer Satisfaction is the key in Service industry. How can you achieve the objectives of Customer Satisfaction in the Service industry say Bank? 

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