Nepal Rastra Bank, Administration, Assistant Second, First Paper Questions(2079.03.17)

Subject: Banking, Account, Math and Computer( First Paper)

Full Mark: 100

Time: 3 Hours

Group A

1.As per the Bank and Financial Institutions Act, 2073, prepare a list of the functions that should not be performed by commercial banks.(10 Mark)

2.Discuss the similarities and dissimilarities between Money Market and Capital Market(5+5=10 Mark)

3.What is financial inclusion? What can be done to make it more effective? Give suggestions.(4+6=10 Mark)

4.Differentiate between Letter of Credit and Bank Guarantee. Why is Letter of Credit mostly used in international trade? Explain.(6+4=10 Mark)

Group B

5.What do you mean by Liquidity Ratio? Explain any three ratios with examples.(4+6=10 Mark)

6.Introduce the Nepal Financial Reporting Standard (NFRS). Point out the advantages of its compliance.(4+6=10 Mark)

7.Following is the Trial Balance of Lasakusha Store, based on the closing balances of the main ledger as at 31 Ashadh 2078 of fiscal year 2077/78. You are required to find out the net profit and prepare the Balance Sheet on the basis of this Trial Balance(5+5=10)

Closing stock as at 31st Ashadh 2078 are of Rs. 70,00 thousands.

Group C

8.Find the principal if the difference between compound interest and simple interest on it at 15% per annum for 3 years is Rs. 1134.(5 Mark)

9.Aman does 3/5 of a work in 18 days and then gets a boy to help him. They work together for 3 days and the boy leaves, if the man finishes the work in 7 days, how long will the boy take to do the work?(5 Mark)

10.How many bricks with dimensions 15cm x 5cm X 4cm are needed to construct a 30m long, 0.5m wide and 2m high wall with two windows each having measurement of 1.5m x 4m? If the cost of each brick is Rs. 2.75, calculate the total cost of bricks needed to construct the wall.(4+1=Marks)

11.Calculate median from the following data. If mean of the data is 20, then calculate mode.(3+2=5 Marks)

Group D

12.Briefly explain the guidelines for information disclosure and grievance handling as per the NRB IT Guidelines, 2012.(5 Mark)

13.Discuss various tools and techniques that may be employed for securing IT Systems.(5 Mark)

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