Nepal Rastra Bank, Administration, Assistant Second, Second Paper Questions(2079.03.18)

Subject: Economics, Management, Banking Law and Policies

Full Mark: 100

Time: 3 Hours

Group A

1.What do you mean by Public Debt? In which special condition can government collect the Public Debt? What are the limits of Internal Debt for the Federal Government, Province and Local Level?(4+3+3=10)

2.What policies are incorporated in the Monetary Policy 2078/79 in order to systematize the Payment System? Explain.(5+5=10)

3.Planned development efforts were started from 2013 BS, Nepal has implemented 14 periodic plans so far and 15th plan is under implementation with the notion of "Prosperous Nepal: Happy Nepali". It is expressed that achievements have fallen short of expectations of the periodic plans till now. The gap between targets and achievements is considered as main problem in the implementation of periodic plans. State about the problems facing in implementation of periodic plans and recommend measures to address those problems.(10)

4.Highlight the role of foreign assistance in economic development of Nepal and make an analysis on impact of foreign assistance policy of Government of Nepal on the mobilization of foreign assistance.(10)

Group B

5.Define Leadership and highlight the inherent features of effective leadership.(3+7=10)

6.Describe the major principles of motivation and highlight the effective principle of motivation in the context of Public Administration of Nepal.(5+5=10)

7.What is meant by "Settlement of Disputes"? Discuss causes of disputes in the context of Industrial Relations prevailing in Nepal.(4+6=10)

Group C

8.Write down the Economic, Industrial and Commercial Policy of the state as per the Constitution of Nepal.(10)

9.According to Nepal Rastra Bank Act, 2058, what are the rights provided to Nepal Rastra Bank for the issuance and management of bank notes and currency?(4+6=10)

10.Describe the duties, authorities, roles and responsibilities of board of directors of bank and financial institutions as per the Bank and Financial Institutions Act, 2073.(10)

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