Nepal Rastra Bank Questions: Discuss various tools and techniques that may be employed for securing IT Systems

As this is a questions asked in Assistant Second in Nepal Rastra Bank examination on dated 2079.03.17, here is a answer which I have written may helpful to you...


It's easy to see how critical IT security is for protecting sensitive information and ensuring a company's or organization's smooth operation. External threats abound in the world, ranging from hackers and viruses to disgruntled employees. However, there are risks from within your organisation, such as disgruntled employees and overzealous IT staff who may want access to all types of data about customers or vendors.

Nepal Rastra Bank, Securing IT System

Security risks include attacks from outsiders, such as hackers, viruses, and malware

Outside attacks, such as hackers and viruses, pose a security risk. A security breach could also be caused by an insider.

Hackers target your IT system in order to steal sensitive information or harm the reputation of your company or organisation. Malware, such as viruses and Trojans, can infiltrate your network via email attachments, websites, downloads, and other means. Once inside, hackers have complete access to the network, including customer data! In addition to stealing confidential customer information (such as credit card numbers), attackers may attempt to remotely hack into servers in order to take control of them and, if successful, gain full control over multiple systems at once — though this isn't always easy due to firewalls preventing direct connections between devices within an organization's network perimeter defences.

Insider security threats may come from disgruntled employees or overzealous IT staff

If you work in information technology, you know that managing the systems and applications that power your organization consumes the majority of your time. However, keep in mind that IT staff can also be a source of insider threats. This is due to their access to sensitive information on their computers and mobile devices, which they could potentially use for personal gain or malicious purposes if motivated by personal gain or malice.

Consider having all employees who use your IT systems (including management) learn about how best practices can help prevent insider attacks in the first place as part of a regular training programme:

Monitoring employees who have access to sensitive information

Monitoring employees who have access to sensitive information.
Monitoring the IT system.
Monitoring the network and network traffic.
Monitoring data security measures, such as encryption of data or firewalls in place.

An IT system is the framework that helps an organization manage all of its data, including financial information and customer information

An IT system is the framework that enables an organization to manage all of its data, including financial and customer data. The primary goal of an information technology system is to provide a secure environment for storing and retrieving data while ensuring that access rights are only granted to authorized users.

When you think about it, these functions are crucial! If someone gained access to your email or social media accounts on behalf of someone else (say, a hacker), they could read all of your private messages—bad news for everyone! So, how do we keep this from happening again? We use encryption technology, an advanced security solution that protects us against hackers attempting to break into our computers or steal our information by encrypting files before they are sent across network connections."

If a piece of hardware or software breaks down, it can disrupt the entire company or organization's work flow

When a piece of hardware or software fails, it can disrupt the entire work flow of a company or organisation. This can cause a slew of issues for everyone involved, and if you're not prepared, you may find yourself dealing with issues at a time when you're already pressed for time.

Here are some things you should do to prevent this type of situation from occurring in the first place:

Schedule regular backups (ideally once a month) so that if a specific file becomes corrupt or damaged due to a malfunctioning process within your system (such as an attack), another copy is available within minutes—not days! When something goes wrong, there will be no downtime; instead, we will have another version ready to use immediately after our original copy has been restored from backup by whoever was responsible for backing up all of the files originally in question.

Sensitive data must be protected from outsiders, such as hackers

It is critical to protect your company from outside threats such as hackers and disgruntled employees. Sensitive data must be safeguarded against intruders such as viruses and malware. This can be accomplished in a variety of ways, including:

Encryption - Using encryption technology, you can secure sensitive information by scrambling it so that only authorized individuals can access it (and they only have access when they know the decryption key).

Watermarking – A watermark is added to documents or other digital media during the creation process so that they can be identified later by software used by law enforcement agencies or other organizations that require this type of information.

There are also security risks from people within a business or organization, such as disgruntled employees and overzealous IT staff

Security risks can also come from within a company or organization, such as disgruntled employees or overzealous IT staff.

A disgruntled employee could install malicious code on your system, causing you to lose critical data or expose sensitive information inadvertently.

An overzealous IT professional may make mistakes in carrying out their duties, causing further damage to your company's systems and networks. This could expose sensitive information or even put the entire company at risk of hacking!

IT security is essential to protecting data, as well as helping you keep running smoothly

IT security is critical for data protection and keeping your business running smoothly. It is the framework that assists an organization in managing all of its data, including financial and customer information. When a piece of hardware or software fails, it can disrupt the entire work flow of a company or organization.


Information technology security is one of the most important aspects of running a business or organisation. Customers may lose trust in their bank accounts and credit card information if they do not have it, and employees may be tempted to steal money or engage in illegal activities on behalf of their employer if they do not have it. It's also critical that you have an IT system in place to keep track of all this information and keep it safe from unauthorised access.

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